What price can you give for large orders?
Ø Answer: - sometimes I offer discount price on my website. I no longer sell wholesale. As it’s too hard and too expensive to get.
Ø When can I expect my order to arrive?
Ø Answer: - normally the days after your funds have cleared. I do not include weekends.
Ø When will you get re stock?
Ø Answer: - normally within a few days to a week. I can never give an exact date.
Ø Do you send free samples?
Ø Answer: - not anymore.
Ø Why is the Valium lose sometimes in blisters
Ø Answer: - it’s the same as the blisters it’s been taken out as it’s cheaper to ship.
Ø How do I make an order?
Ø Answer: - if you want say 10 pills you just add 1 in the box. 1=10 pills. And just follow the links. On the order page just fill out your details. Name and address press next the rest is fully automated you receive a copy of your order and instructions on how to pay. I also receive a copy of your order. It is then up to you if you want to pay or not. No need to send me an email. Telling me you made an order or that you have changed your mind. The order will stay open for 4 weeks. When I receive payment. I then process your order and the order is sent when it is shipped I will send you an email telling you sent today with a copy of the tracking number.